The crystal structure of the complex between IMP dehydrogenase catalytic domain and a transition state analogue MZP

Gene source organism: Tritrichomonas foetus
Expression organism: Escherichia coli Deposition date: 2003-06-27
Classification: OXIDOREDUCTASE
Keywords: Transition state analogue, IMP dehydrogenase, Mizoribine 5'-monophosphate, distal flap, general base, drug selectivity, OXIDOREDUCTASE
Assembly: 1
Resolution: 2.0
R-value: 0.196
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
1PVN-K-1 C1E1G3 CYS D.319 GLU A.485 GLY A.487 GLY D.314 GLY D.316
1PVN-K-2 D1F1G1N1S1 ASN B.460 ASP A.264 GLY B.20 PHE A.266 SER B.22
1PVN-K-3 D1F1G1N1S1 ASN A.460 ASP D.264 GLY A.20 PHE D.266 SER A.22
1PVN-K-4 C1E1G4 CYS A.319 GLU B.485 GLY A.314 GLY A.316 GLY B.486 GLY B.487
1PVN-K-5 D1F1G1N1S1 ASN C.460 ASP B.264 GLY C.20 PHE B.266 SER C.22
1PVN-K-6 D1F1G1N1S1 ASN D.460 ASP C.264 GLY D.20 PHE C.266 SER D.22
1PVN-K-7 C1E1G3 CYS B.319 GLU C.485 GLY B.314 GLY B.316 GLY C.487
1PVN-K-8 C1E1G3 CYS C.319 GLU D.485 GLY C.314 GLY C.316 GLY D.487