Crystal Structure of Transcriptional Regulator NMB0573 from Neisseria Meningitidis

Gene source organism: Neisseria meningitidis
Expression organism: Escherichia coli Deposition date: 2007-03-16
Classification: TRANSCRIPTION
Keywords: NMB0573, Transcriptional regulator, Lrp/AsnC-family, Structural Genomics, Structural and functional analysis of N. meninigitidis transcriptional regulators, Oxford Protein Production Facility, OPPF, TRANSCRIPTION
Assembly: 1
Resolution: 2.0
R-value: 0.17624
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
2P5V-CA-1 D2E1 ASP A.107 ASP G.136 GLU A.105
2P5V-CA-2 D2E1 ASP B.107 ASP D.136 GLU B.105 HOH B.539 HOH D.421
2P5V-CA-3 D2E1 ASP A.136 ASP C.107 GLU C.105 HOH A.285
2P5V-CA-4 D2E1 ASP C.136 ASP E.107 GLU E.105 HOH C.1161 HOH E.293
2P5V-CA-5 D2E1 ASP D.107 ASP F.136 GLU D.105 HOH D.1047 HOH F.251 HOH F.442
2P5V-CA-6 D2E1 ASP F.107 ASP H.136 GLU F.105 HOH F.1099 HOH F.1300 HOH F.993
2P5V-CA-7 D2E1 ASP E.136 ASP G.107 GLU G.105
2P5V-CA-8 D2E1 ASP B.136 ASP H.107 GLU H.105 HOH B.209 HOH H.1307 HOH H.545