Structure of B-Lymphotropic Polyomavirus VP1 in complex with 3'-sialyllactosamine

Gene source organism: B-lymphotropic polyomavirus
Expression organism: Escherichia coli Deposition date: 2013-08-21
Classification: VIRAL PROTEIN
Keywords: jelly roll, Polyomavirus, viral capsid (structural) protein, DNA encapsidation, receptor binding, Sialylated oligosaccharides, VIRAL PROTEIN
Assembly: 2
Resolution: 1.75
R-value: 0.16473
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
4MBZ-CA-1 E1S1 GLU F.46 HOH F.608 HOH G.710 HOH G.718 HOH G.719 SER G.214
4MBZ-CA-2 E1S1 GLU G.46 HOH G.656 HOH H.526 HOH H.658 HOH H.720 SER H.214
4MBZ-CA-3 E1S1 GLU H.46 HOH H.716 HOH I.718 HOH I.732 SER I.214
4MBZ-CA-4 E1S1 GLU I.46 HOH I.736 HOH J.661 HOH J.763 SER J.214
4MBZ-CA-5 E1S1 GLU J.46 HOH F.503 HOH F.630 HOH F.775 HOH J.736 SER F.214