Structure of E. coli RppH bound to RNA and three magnesium ions

Gene source organism: Escherichia coli
Expression organism: Escherichia coli Deposition date: 2015-01-23
Classification: hydrolase/RNA
Keywords: Nudix hydrolase, RNA pyrophosphohydrolase, hydrolase-RNA complex
Assembly: 2
Resolution: 1.6
R-value: 0.1721
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
4S2Y-MG-1 E3X1 APC B.1 GLU A.121 GLU A.54 GLU A.58 HOH A.308 HOH B.201
4S2Y-MG-2 E3X1 APC B.1 GLU A.121 GLU A.54 GLU A.58 HOH A.308 HOH B.201
4S2Y-MG-3 E2Q1X1 APC B.1 GLN A.38 GLU A.121 GLU A.58 HOH A.310
4S2Y-MG-4 E2Q1X1 APC B.1 GLN A.38 GLU A.121 GLU A.58 HOH A.310
4S2Y-MG-5 E1X1 APC B.1 GLU A.54 HOH A.314 HOH A.316 HOH B.201 HOH B.202
4S2Y-MG-6 E1X1 APC B.1 GLU A.54 HOH A.314 HOH A.316 HOH B.201 HOH B.202