Structure of a modified mouse H chain ferritin with a lanthanide binding motif in complex with Terbium

Gene source organism: Mus musculus
Expression organism: Escherichia coli Deposition date: 2017-06-26
Classification: METAL TRANSPORT
Keywords: ferritin, lanthanide, terbium, metal transport
Assembly: 1
Resolution: 2.65
R-value: 0.1676
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
5OBB-TB-1 E3 GLU A.134 GLU B.134 GLU C.134
5OBB-TB-2 E3 GLU D.134 GLU E.134 GLU F.134
5OBB-TB-3 E3 GLU G.134 GLU H.134 GLU I.134
5OBB-TB-4 E3 GLU J.134 GLU K.134 GLU L.134
5OBB-TB-5 E3 GLU M.134 GLU N.134 GLU O.134
5OBB-TB-6 E3 GLU P.134 GLU Q.134 GLU R.134
5OBB-TB-7 E3 GLU S.134 GLU T.134 GLU U.134
5OBB-TB-8 E3 GLU V.134 GLU W.134 GLU X.134