Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of the Inosine Monophosphate Dehydrogenase from Bacillus anthracis in the complex with IMP and the inhibitor P178

Gene source organism: Bacillus anthracis
Expression organism: Escherichia coli Deposition date: 2017-02-12
Classification: OXIDOREDUCTASE
Keywords: IMPDH, TIM barrel, delta CBS, Structural Genomics, Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases, CSGID, OXIDOREDUCTASE
Assembly: 1
Resolution: 2.39
R-value: 0.2236
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
5URS-K-1 C1E1G2H1S1 CYS B.308 GLU A.470 GLY B.303 GLY B.305 HIS A.472 SER A.471
5URS-K-2 C1E1G2S1 CYS A.308 GLU C.470 GLY A.303 GLY A.305 SER C.471
5URS-K-3 C1E1G2H1 CYS D.308 GLU B.470 GLY D.303 GLY D.305 HIS B.472
5URS-K-4 C1E1G2S1 CYS C.308 GLU D.470 GLY C.303 GLY C.305 SER D.471