Human DNA polymerase beta pre-catalytic 8-oxoG:dC extension complex with dTTP bound in non-planar conformation

Metal site ID: 5VRW-CA-2
Bound amino acids or nucleotide residues: C1I1T1V1
Group identifier: C1G1I1R1T1V1
Is homomeric: False
Amino acid or nucleotide residue IDs: DC P.9 ILE A.106 THR A.101 VAL A.103
All ligands IDs: DC P.9 HOH P.201 ILE A.106 THR A.101 VAL A.103
Number of coordinating amino acids or nucleotide residues: 4
Number of coordinating ligands: 5
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Representative metal site in the group: 5VRX-CA-2
Similar binding_sites:
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
5VRW-CA-2C1I1T1V1 DC P.9 HOH P.201 ILE A.106 THR A.101 VAL A.103