Crystal structure of the haemagglutinin mutant (Gln226Leu, Gly228Ser) from an H10N7 seal influenza virus isolated in Germany in complex with avian receptor analogue 3'-SLN

Metal site ID: 6TWI-CA-2
Bound amino acids or nucleotide residues: E1N1
Group identifier: E2N1
Is homomeric: True
Amino acid or nucleotide residue IDs: ASN F.79 GLU D.64
All ligands IDs: ASN F.79 GLU D.64 HOH C.564 HOH D.375 NAG F.201
Number of coordinating amino acids or nucleotide residues: 2
Number of coordinating ligands: 5
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Representative metal site in the group: 6TVS-CA-1
Similar binding_sites:
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
6TVF-CA-2E2N1 ASN B.79 GLU I.104 GLU J.64 HOH B.308 NAG B.201
6TVR-CA-1E2N1 ASN H.79 GLU A.106 GLU B.64 HOH H.327 NAG H.201
6TVR-CA-2E1N1 ASN J.79 GLU H.64 HOH G.508 HOH H.318 NAG J.201
6TVT-CA-1E1N1 ASN F.79 GLU A.104 HOH A.525 HOH F.347 NAG F.201
6TWH-CA-1E1N1 ASN Q.79 GLU O.64 NAG Q.201
6TWH-CA-2E2N1 ASN M.79 GLU P.104 GLU Q.64 NAG M.201
6TWI-CA-2E1N1 ASN F.79 GLU D.64 HOH C.564 HOH D.375 NAG F.201
6TWI-CA-3E2N1 ASN B.79 GLU E.104 GLU F.64 HOH B.348 HOH F.349 NAG B.201
6TWV-CA-1E2N1 ASN F.79 GLU C.104 GLU D.64 NAG F.201