Co-crystal structure of a photosynthetic LH1-RC in complex with electron donor HiPIP

PDB ID: 7C52
Metal site ID: 7C52-CA-12
Bound amino acids or nucleotide residues: D1I1W2
Group identifier: D1I1L1W2Y1
Is homomeric: False
Amino acid or nucleotide residue IDs: ASP 1.49 ILE 1.51 TRP 1.46 TRP Z.45
All ligands IDs: ASP 1.49 ILE 1.51 TRP 1.46 TRP Z.45
Number of coordinating amino acids or nucleotide residues: 4
Number of coordinating ligands: 4
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Representative metal site in the group: 5Y5S-CA-5
Similar binding_sites:
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
5Y5S-CA-8D1I1W2 ASP S.49 HOH S.201 HOH S.207 ILE S.51 TRP R.45 TRP S.46
7C52-CA-10D1I1W2 ASP W.49 ILE W.51 TRP V.45 TRP W.46
7C52-CA-11D1I1W2 ASP Y.49 ILE Y.51 TRP X.45 TRP Y.46
7C52-CA-12D1I1W2 ASP 1.49 ILE 1.51 TRP 1.46 TRP Z.45
7C52-CA-14D1I1W2 ASP 5.49 ILE 5.51 TRP 4.45 TRP 5.46
7C52-CA-16D1I1W2 ASP 9.49 ILE 9.51 TRP 8.45 TRP 9.46
7C52-CA-2D1I1W2 ASP D.49 ILE D.51 TRP B.45 TRP D.46
7C52-CA-3D1I1W2 ASP F.49 ILE F.51 TRP E.45 TRP F.46
7C52-CA-4D1I1W2 ASP I.49 ILE I.51 TRP G.45 TRP I.46
7C52-CA-5D1I1W2 ASP K.49 ILE K.51 TRP J.45 TRP K.46
7C52-CA-7D1I1W2 ASP Q.49 ILE Q.51 TRP P.45 TRP Q.46
7C52-CA-8D1I1W2 ASP S.49 ILE S.51 TRP R.45 TRP S.46