Crystal structure of Truncated (Delta 1-19) Chitoporin VhChiP from Vibrio harveyi in complex with chitohexaose

Metal site ID: 7EQR-NA-2
Bound amino acids or nucleotide residues: D1G2N1
Group identifier: D1G3L1N1
Is homomeric: True
Amino acid or nucleotide residue IDs: ASN B.44 ASP B.43 GLY A.181 GLY B.46
All ligands IDs: ASN B.44 ASP B.43 GLY A.181 GLY B.46
Number of coordinating amino acids or nucleotide residues: 4
Number of coordinating ligands: 4
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Representative metal site in the group: 5MDR-NA-1
Similar binding_sites:
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
5MDO-NA-1D1G2N1 ASN A.44 ASP A.43 GLY A.46 GLY C.181 HOH A.761 HOH C.597
5MDO-NA-2D1G2N1 ASP A.81 GLY A.85 HOH A.515 HOH A.633 HOH C.574 PRO A.82
5MDO-NA-3D1G2N1 ASN B.44 ASP B.43 GLY A.181 GLY B.46 HOH A.650 HOH B.738
5MDR-NA-2D1G2N1 ASP A.81 GLY A.85 HOH A.515 HOH A.638 HOH C.569 PRO A.82
5MDR-NA-3D1G2N1 ASN B.44 ASP B.43 GLY A.181 GLY B.46 HOH A.647 HOH B.736
7EQR-NA-2D1G2N1 ASN B.44 ASP B.43 GLY A.181 GLY B.46