Crystal Structure of the Anthrax Toxin Protective Antigen Heptameric Prepore bound to the VWA domain of CMG2, an anthrax toxin receptor

Metal site ID: 1TZN-MG-7
Bound amino acids or nucleotide residues: D1S1T1
Group identifier: D3K1S2T1
Is homomeric: False
Amino acid or nucleotide residue IDs: ASP G.683 SER g.1054 THR g.1118
All ligands IDs: ASP G.683 SER g.1054 THR g.1118
Number of coordinating amino acids or nucleotide residues: 3
Number of coordinating ligands: 3
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Representative metal site in the group: 1TZN-MG-1
Similar binding_sites:
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
1TZN-MG-10D1S1T1 ASP J.683 SER j.1054 THR j.1118
1TZN-MG-11D1S1T1 ASP K.683 SER k.1054 THR k.1118
1TZN-MG-12D1S1T1 ASP L.683 SER l.1054 THR l.1118
1TZN-MG-13D1S1T1 ASP M.683 SER m.1054 THR m.1118
1TZN-MG-14D1S1T1 ASP O.683 SER o.1054 THR o.1118
1TZN-MG-2D1S1T1 ASP B.683 SER b.1054 THR b.1118
1TZN-MG-3D1S1T1 ASP C.683 SER c.1054 THR c.1118
1TZN-MG-4D1S1T1 ASP D.683 SER d.1054 THR d.1118
1TZN-MG-5D1S1T1 ASP E.683 SER e.1054 THR e.1118
1TZN-MG-6D1S1T1 ASP F.683 SER f.1054 THR f.1118
1TZN-MG-7D1S1T1 ASP G.683 SER g.1054 THR g.1118
1TZN-MG-8D1S1T1 ASP H.683 SER h.1054 THR h.1118
1TZN-MG-9D1S1T1 ASP I.683 SER i.1054 THR i.1118