Acinetobacter sp. Tol 5 AtaA YDD-DALL3 domains in C-terminal stalk fused to GCN4 adaptors (CstalkC1ii)

Metal site ID: 3WQA-NI-1
Bound amino acids or nucleotide residues: H5
Group identifier: H1
Is homomeric: True
Amino acid or nucleotide residue IDs: HIS A.3506 HIS A.3508 HIS B.3506 HIS C.3506 HIS C.3508
All ligands IDs: HIS A.3506 HIS A.3508 HIS B.3506 HIS C.3506 HIS C.3508
Number of coordinating amino acids or nucleotide residues: 5
Number of coordinating ligands: 5
Number of coordinating chains: 3
Number of coordinating chains: 3
Representative metal site in the group: 3WQA-NI-1

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