Crystal structure of an enolase family member from vibrio harveyi (efi-target 501692) with homology to mannonate dehydratase, with mg, hepes, and ethylene glycol bound (ordered loops, space group c2221)

Metal site ID: 4GGH-MG-2
Bound amino acids or nucleotide residues: N4
Group identifier: N4
Is homomeric: True
Amino acid or nucleotide residue IDs: ASN A.247 ASN B.247 ASN C.247 ASN D.247
All ligands IDs: ASN A.247 ASN B.247 ASN C.247 ASN D.247 HOH D.501 HOH D.502
Number of coordinating amino acids or nucleotide residues: 4
Number of coordinating ligands: 6
Number of coordinating chains: 4
Number of coordinating chains: 4
Representative metal site in the group: 4GGH-MG-1
Similar binding_sites:
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
4GGH-MG-2N4 ASN A.247 ASN B.247 ASN C.247 ASN D.247 HOH D.501 HOH D.502