Structure of human DNA polymerase beta complexed with A in the template base paired with incoming non-hydrolyzable CTP

Metal site ID: 4PHA-MG-1
Bound amino acids or nucleotide residues: A1D2
Group identifier:
Is homomeric: False
Amino acid or nucleotide residue IDs: ASP A.190 ASP A.192 DA P.10
All ligands IDs: 0KX A.405 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 DA P.10
Number of coordinating amino acids or nucleotide residues: 3
Number of coordinating ligands: 4
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Number of coordinating chains: 2
Representative metal site in the group: 4P2H-MN-1
Similar binding_sites:
Metal site idBound amino acidsBound ligands IDs
2FMS-MG-1C1D3 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DC P.10 DUP A.338 HOH A.348
3GDX-MG-1C1D3 4BD A.346 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DC P.10 HOH A.2
3LK9-MG-1C1D3 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DC P.10 HOH A.437 TFF A.338
3RJF-MG-1A1D3 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DA P.10 F2A A.338 HOH A.470
3RJH-MG-1A1D3 6CF A.401 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DA P.10 HOH A.505
3RJI-MG-1A1D3 6CF A.401 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DA P.10 HOH P.101
3RJK-MG-1C1D3 6CF A.338 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DC P.10 HOH A.373
3TFR-MG-1C1D3 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DC P.10 F3A A.338
3TFS-MG-1C1D3 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DC P.10 FHA A.338 HOH P.235
4JWM-MG-1C1D2 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 DC P.10 DUP A.401 HOH A.501 HOH P.101
4NLK-MG-1A1D3 0KX A.405 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DA P.10
4PGQ-MG-1A1D2 1FZ A.404 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 DA P.10 HOH A.536
4PHA-MG-1A1D2 0KX A.405 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 DA P.10
4PHE-MG-1C1D1 ASP A.190 DC P.10 HOH A.555 XG4 A.405
4PHP-MN-1C1D3 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DC P.10 XG4 A.405
4R65-MG-1C1D3 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DC P.10 DUP A.401 HOH A.520
4TUQ-MG-1C1D3 0KX A.405 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DC P.10 HOH A.583
4TUS-MN-1C1D3 0KX A.405 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 ASP A.256 DC P.10 HOH A.526
6E3X-MG-1A1D2 ASP A.190 ASP A.192 DA P.10 DZ4 A.405